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Holistic Dentistry

Chapel Hill Dentist Explains How Your Gut Microbiome and Sleep Apnea Interact

Even though we have been studying sleep disorders and figuring out how to treat them for decades, we are still learning new things about them every day. That’s why, as our knowledge has increased in recent years, we have been finding new ways to treat obstructive sleep apnea. 

At our dental office, we know that one of the most effective ways to treat it is to use a sleep apnea oral appliance. After you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, we can provide you with an oral appliance for sleep apnea in Chapel Hill.

If you believe you’re exhibiting common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, it’s important to visit your doctor so they can help you determine if you actually have it. They will usually diagnose you after you undergo a sleep study. Some of the most common symptoms to watch out for include consistent daytime fatigue or gasping in your sleep. 

While there are a variety of factors that contribute to obstructive sleep apnea, recent studies now show that there may be another factor that can help us better understand obstructive sleep apnea: the gut. 

While our dental practice in Chapel Hill can treat obstructive sleep apnea with a sleep apnea oral appliance, we believe that taking care of your body can also help you avoid a slew of other problems. We value educating our patients on conditions like sleep apnea. That’s why Dr. Ralph Mensah has written this blog to explain everything you need to know about the relationship between sleep apnea and the oral-gut microbiome. 

First, let’s examine what sleep apnea is.

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea is known as the most common type of sleep apnea. It happens when the muscles near the back of the throat relax too much while you sleep. This causes the airway to “collapse,” which wakes you up in the middle of the night to catch your breath. 

There are a variety of reasons why some people develop obstructive sleep apnea. This specific type of sleep disorder is more prevalent in people who are obese, people who have relatives who snore, and men. Smoking, allergies, and alcohol can also cause it or make it worse. 

It’s important to note that you may not notice the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea right away. In fact, it may take a while to suspect you have it. It’s also not an immediate danger to your health. However, it can still impact your health negatively if you never treat it.

Sleep apnea treatment in Chapel Hill

How Your Oral-Gut Microbiome Affects You and Interacts With Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Your oral-gut microbiome is a complex system that affects you in a variety of ways. It is made of different kinds of microorganisms, although bacteria play a key role. The inside of your mouth has its own environment that is different from your gut. However, because the mouth feeds the gut, the two are interconnected.

The oral-gut microbiome is a key factor in your health since it can be the reason you develop a systemic disease or an oral disease. When the equilibrium of the gut and the oral cavity are thrown out of whack, pathogens can manifest and lead to debilitating diseases.

Figuring out how to keep your oral-gut microbiome balanced will essentially protect you from severe illness and may also help regulate your emotions. One study even suggests that balancing your oral-gut microbiome may help reduce the effects of obstructive sleep apnea.

sleep apnea oral appliance in Chapel Hill

Will Probiotics Cure Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

It’s important to note that, while studies do show that the oral-gut microbiome has a significant impact on your health, there is no conclusive evidence that taking care of gut health or oral health will cure sleep apnea. It may help alleviate the severity of symptoms over time, but in order to truly get a good night’s rest, you need to combine oral-gut microbiome balancing methods with an oral appliance for sleep apnea

Probiotics are one of the best ways to balance your oral-gut microbiome. They can be found in pill form at your local pharmacy, or you can order the pills online. Some of the best probiotic pills for oral health include Lactobacillus salivarius, Streptococcus salivarius M18, and Lactobacillus reuteri. 

You can also balance your gut health by eating foods that contain natural probiotics. The following foods are good for both your gut health and your oral health:


This fermented milk drink is popular in Turkey but can also be found in the United States at some grocers. It is made by combining kefir grains with goat's milk or cow's milk. Not only does it help with your digestive health, but it also reduces your chances of developing infections.


For those who enjoy the taste of mushrooms, tempeh is a great solution for balancing your oral-gut microbiome. It is made out of fermented soybeans, which also makes it vegan-friendly. It also contains Vitamin B12, which is vital for brain and nerve development.


Yogurt is a popular staple for many people around the world, and it can be served either sweetened or unsweetened. Dairy is important for your oral health because it contains calcium, which is great for your teeth. Yogurt in particular also contains plenty of probiotics to improve your gut health.

Why You Should Get a Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance in Chapel Hill

Since probiotics won’t resolve obstructive sleep apnea completely, you may be wondering what else you may need to get to help you rest easy at night. In some cases, doctors will treat patients with obstructive sleep apnea with a CPAP. 

A CPAP is a machine attached to a mask that provides patients with pressurized air while they sleep. The pressure keeps the airway from closing up as the muscles try to relax. For the treatment to be effective, however, patients must wear their CPAP mask every night, all night. 

Thankfully, CPAP machines aren’t the only way to treat sleep apnea. Depending on the severity of your condition and your needs, you can also combat obstructive sleep apnea with a sleep apnea oral appliance. 

The sleep apnea oral appliance works by keeping your jaw in the right position throughout the night, which then prevents the muscles in the back of your throat from relaxing too far. It also helps prevent snoring and dry mouth, which are also common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.  

Chapel Hill Dentist

Where to Get an Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea in Chapel Hill

If you’re looking for a comfortable oral appliance for sleep apnea in Chapel Hill, our dental team at Integrative Holistic Dentistry has got you covered. Our dental services and holistic dental procedures are designed to treat the whole patient, not just their oral health. 

Our dentist, Dr. Mensah, understands just how important it is to make sure your teeth and the rest of your body are taken care of. That’s why he uses advanced dental technology to give you the oral health solutions you need, which includes sleep apnea oral appliances. 

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find out how you can curb the effects of obstructive sleep apnea.

Alternatives for Root Canal Treatment in Chapel Hill, NC

Having tooth pain or hearing that you need a root canal treatment can be overwhelming and frightening. However, if you have a complete understanding of the treatment and know your alternatives, you can make an educated decision to treat your discomfort and protect your oral health. As a holistic dentist in Chapel Hill, Dr. Mensah offers alternatives for root canal treatment to treat the underlying infection and preserve your oral and overall well-being.

Here, we will explain everything you need to know about the alternatives for root canal therapy, why traditional root canals are often performed, the hidden dangers, and how to protect yourself.

How Is a Root Canal Infection Diagnosed?

If your dentist suspects you have an infected root canal, he or she will order a CBCT, which is a 3D X-ray. This allows the dentist to examine the condition of the canals from several different angles and splices. These images will aid the doctor in determining if there are any signs of an infection. 

root canal infection diagnosis

What Is an Infected Root Canal?

Your teeth have multiple layers. Moving from the outside and looking in, you have the enamel layer, followed by a layer of dentin, and then the soft inner core. The inner core extends into the root. This section of the tooth contains the dental pulp, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

If the soft inner core is decayed or damaged, it can be very painful. Without prompt treatment, the pulp can become infected or even necrotic (dead). An infected root canal occurs when there is inflammation in the root canals, which naturally run through the tooth from the crown to the pulp.

Causes and Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection

An infection in the root canal occurs when bacteria invade the pulp chamber. Common causes of a root canal infection include:

  • Cracking or chipping a tooth

  • Fracturing a tooth root

  • Damaging the tooth pulp, even if the exterior of the tooth is undamaged

  • Undergoing repeated dental procedures

  • Experiencing severe tooth decay

It is easy to ignore the first signs of a dental problem until severe tooth pain occurs. However, damage can be present in the absence of pain too. The symptoms of an infected root canal include:

  • Persistent pain

  • Red and/or swollen gums

  • Tooth sensitivity

  • Loose teeth

  • A foul taste in your mouth

  • Tooth or gum tenderness

  • Swollen glands

  • Face pain

  • Pus around the tooth root

  • Redness in the gums

If you experience any of the symptoms above, schedule an appointment with your dentist for prompt treatment. 

Traditional Root Canal Treatment

treatment for root canal infection in Chapel Hill, NC

Why Is Root Canal Therapy Performed?

A traditional root canal treatment is often performed as a restorative or emergency dental procedure. Root canal treatments have been used over the years to treat badly decayed or infected teeth. While these treatments are traditionally done to save the tooth rather than remove it, leaving an infected, decaying tooth in place can actually harm your overall health.

Dangers of a Root Canal Treatment

Here are some of the risks and dangers of a root canal treatment.

The Tooth Is No Longer Viable

Traditional dentists recommend a root canal when decay extends into the dentin or soft tissue of the tooth. The anticipated goal is to save the natural tooth, but really only the outer structure is preserved. The living interior of the tooth, the part that supplies the tooth with nutrients, is removed. The tooth is now dead because that living material has been replaced with a putty-like filling and sealed with a crown or dental restoration.

Bacteria Remains in the Tooth

Root canal therapy removes some bacteria from the original infection or decay. However, it cannot completely eliminate the bacteria because of the intricate canal structure within the tooth. The canals can be hard to find or navigate, which means bacteria are missed. The bacteria are then free to roam through the body, leading to chronic and serious health conditions, such as heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and more.

A Secondary Infection Develops

During a traditional root canal, the canals are cleaned and then filled to seal out additional bacteria. However, as noted above, it is impossible to remove 100% of the bacteria in the infected area, so a portion remains inside the tooth. This infected material is cut off from the blood supply, so your immune system cannot respond. Therefore, the infection can fester and grow inside the chamber as it leaks out into the rest of the body, causing full-body inflammation.

Root Canal Alternatives in Chapel Hill

When infection or decay extends into the inner areas of the tooth, a root canal treatment is not the only option. You can speak with a holistic dentist in Chapel Hill to learn how to preserve your oral health and overall well-being. Dr. Mensah and his team will create a custom treatment plan based on your unique needs. Your treatment plan may include one or all of the procedures below.

Tooth Extraction

While it may sound daunting, extracting a tooth is the safest and best option for a root canal infection. When faced with the impending danger of bacteria and pathogens in the mouth and body, removing the tooth is better for your long-term health. A tooth extraction completely removes the tooth and root, including the infected root canal. The surrounding soft tissue is then debrided to remove any lingering bacteria.

Ozone Therapy

Dental ozone is a therapeutic treatment that removes pathogens, restores proper oxygen metabolism, increases blood circulation, and creates a healthier oral environment. Following a tooth extraction, the dentist uses dental ozone to disinfect the treatment site.

PRF Grafting

Once the tooth has been extracted and disinfected, PRF grafting may be the next step. Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) speeds wound healing. This material is extremely beneficial and safe because it is made from the patient’s own blood. The patient’s blood is taken and spun down into a serum with white blood cells. The fibrin is full of regenerative growth factors to improve healing and decrease the rate of infection.

Metal-Free Dental Implants

Replacing an extracted tooth restores the balance of your oral cavity. It improves the function and aesthetic of your smile. Metal-free dental implants use a biocompatible zirconia post to replace the tooth root. Since implants are placed in the jaw, they provide unparalleled strength and durability and can last a lifetime. The implant is topped with a dental crown to restore the overall tooth structure and complete your smile.

root canal alternatives from a holistic dentist in Chapel Hill, NC

Find Holistic Alternatives for Root Canal Therapy in Chapel Hill, NC

We now know that it is impossible to completely remove bacteria from the intricate root canals and tubules. Letting bacteria or an infected root canal linger in your mouth can have serious consequences on your overall health. At Integrative Holistic Dentistry, we provide holistic alternatives for root canal treatment in Chapel Hill, NC. Your oral and overall well-being are our priorities!

Take a natural approach to dental care and protect your health and wellness. Contact us today to learn more!