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5 Tips For a Healthy Smile in 2024 From Your Chapel Hill Dentist

A smile is an important asset to children, teenagers, and adults. It can help create a great first impression, while improving your confidence and your overall facial expressions. However, in some cases, having white teeth does not indicate a healthy smile. Many things go into maintaining beautiful and healthy teeth in Chapel Hill, NC.

Good oral health is achieved over time. You need to know the right things that can enhance your oral health and do them the right way. Here's why our dentists in Chapel Hill, Dr. Ralph K. Mensah, DDS, FICOI, AIAOMT, and Dr. Michael A. Thomas, DDS, will be sharing some useful and simple tips for getting a beautiful, strong, and healthy smile in 2024.

5 Tips For a Healthy Dental Life

Among the many resolutions you drafted for 2024, remember to include taking your dental health seriously. Here are the best ways to maintain a healthy oral lifestyle and develop stronger teeth:

1. Commit to Brush and Floss Regularly

Brushing your teeth at least twice daily is one of the primary habits for maintaining oral health. It helps remove plaque, inhibits the formation of cavities and bacteria, and keeps your teeth clean. However, you can only get the best results from brushing daily if you do it correctly.

You must brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush, moving your hand in small circular motions. You should also brush the front, back, and top of your teeth. For perfection, angle your brush towards the gum line at 45 degrees and gently make small strokes while focusing on two or more teeth at a time.

Note that brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing too hard can cause damage to your gums and enamel. This may cause bleeding, tooth sensitivity, or gum erosion. You should also seek to change your toothbrush when it looks frayed or every three months.

Furthermore, there are areas in your teeth where the toothbrush may not reach, especially the deep grooves of your teeth. To maintain an all-round cleanliness, flossing is important.

Flossing involves using a special interdental brush to remove plaque and debris between the teeth and under the gumline. By brushing twice and flossing once every day, you can prevent tooth decay and gum diseases and maintain a healthy smile.

2. Wash With a Mouth Rinse

You may have seen numerous advertisements indicating that mouth rinses are necessary for a healthy smile. However, how often do you include it in your dental routine? Many people skip using mouthwash because they don't know how it works.

Mouthwashes are essential for reducing the quantity of acid in your mouth, remineralizing your teeth, and cleaning areas that are difficult to reach when brushing. Mouthwashes can also help eliminate bad breath and prevent tooth decay and other dental problems.

There are a variety of mouthwashes for both adults and children. You must speak with Dr. Mensah, our Chapel Hill dentist, to recommend the best mouthwash. However, don't substitute mouthwash for brushing and flossing. Mouthwashes should only complement brushing and flossing to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

3. Don’t Snack on Sugary Food

Excessive sugar consumption can lead to the build-up of cavities in the mouth. When you consume sugary foods, the bacteria in the mouth will break down these sugars and, in the process, produce acids. The acids produced can erode your tooth enamel, cause tooth decay, and eventually lead to gum diseases. 

Sugary foods such as candy, desserts, some processed foods, acidic fruits, coffee, teas, and carbonated drinks can threaten oral health. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization recommends that individuals reduce their sugar intake to below 10% of their daily calories to reduce the risk of cavities and other dental issues.

We are aware that these foods cannot be completely avoided. However, we advise you to be mindful of them and rinse your mouth after eating any sticky or sugary food.

4. Use Toothpaste

Natural toothpaste can act as an abrasive, helping to reduce plaque buildup on your teeth. Toothpaste can also help freshen your mouth and breath. We recommend using a natural, non-fluoridated toothpaste. Flouride can be a neurotoxin and can cause mitochondrial dysfunction. Young children under the age of two should avoid fluoride toothpaste as they could ingest it.

5. Visit Your Chapel Hill Dentist Twice a Year

While developing good daily oral habits is essential for a healthy smile, you still need to see your dentist. Visiting your dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups can help you maintain good oral health and a beautiful smile. 

Our Chapel Hill dentist, Dr. Mensah, conducts dental screenings using digital X-rays and a dental AI (Overjet) to carefully evaluate your oral health, ensuring that your teeth are healthy and any developing concerns are identified and addressed before they become severe. Overjet helps us to improve clinical precision and achieve consistent and improved dental treatment for our patients.

During your visit, and depending on the state of your teeth, Dr. Mensah may perform professional teeth cleaning to remove stains and plaque that are building up in places your toothbrush couldn't reach. That’s why scheduling regular dental checkups with your dentist is important to improve your smile.

Experience Holistic Dentistry in Chapel Hill, NC

At Integrative Holistic Dentistry, we prioritize your oral health, ensuring you get the care and smile you desire. We know that a better and healthier smile can do wonders for your self-esteem, improve the appearance of your smile, and positively impact your life.

Our dentist in Chapel Hill is ready to join you in beginning your smile improvement journey in 2024. Schedule an appointment with us today for a dental checkup.